Remote Audit

Remote audit in automotive engineering



Remote audit in automotive engineering

Automotive manufacturing has always been the economic sector that has advanced and developed quality management and effectiveness the most. Cost pressure and efficiency were the driving forces in a tough global market environment. Germany in particular, with its major car brands, has played a significant role in this.

Unfortunately, digitisation has been a little slower in Germany. Others have long since overtaken us in this area and have even left us behind in some cases. However, the Corona crisis has perhaps put the focus on these neglected areas at exactly the right time. Together with the massive expansion of the home office, the topic of "working remotely" has therefore also come more into focus in general and many decision-makers have realised that if they do not act now, there will be major problems in the future. As a result, the topic of remote auditing also came more to the fore in the large companies.

What is a Remote Audit?

Remote audits are a form of audit in the context of inspections and certifications in which the physical presence of the auditor is no longer absolutely necessary due to the use of technical aids, or can be partially or completely dispensed with. Using a laptop, tablet or, more advanced, data glasses, audits and inspections can be carried out partially (partly-remote), completely (fully-remote) or follow-up measures simply online. The previous audit process can be reproduced digitally on a 1:1 basis, or the additional advantages of the new technology can be used at the same time. Hygiene and safety concepts, which are simply still necessary today, can thus be easily implemented. In the context of continuously digitalised processes, remote audit approaches were also useful before Corona when it was a matter of saving costs and effort while improving quality at the same time. Remote auditing in the automotive industry should therefore once again be a driving force as a model for many other sectors of the economy.

Remote audits in the automotive industry

Automobile manufacturing has always been characterised by complex processes, some of them on a huge scale. These have been developed and optimised over the course of decades. Since very extensive and complicated processes are created in quality management in the automotive industry, the use of intelligent techniques is also particularly promising. Both the complexity can be better controlled and faster returns on investments can be expected. Last but not least, in the automotive industry even small competitive advantages often mean securing a long-term lead over the competition.

Audits are a matter of course in the automotive industry. Without suitable certifications, practically nothing works. Those who do not meet all the requirements in the area of quality management have little chance of winning orders from the big automotive companies and being successful as a supplier in the long term. So it stands to reason that the automotive industry will once again become a driving force in the field of remote auditing.

Advantages and disadvantages of remote audits

The goal of all efforts in remote audits is the sustainable reduction of audit expenses with the same or better audit quality. This primarily means financial expenses, but of course also time-related expenses in general (travel, follow-up, training,...). If implemented appropriately, the use of expensive external specialists can often be significantly reduced or avoided. Post-audits are often easier to carry out.

The main disadvantages are the conversion and introduction phases, which require higher investments. Infrastructural problems that are already known (network expansion, coverage) can quickly become critical and make remote auditing as a sensible technology more difficult or prevent it altogether. But acceptance can also be a problem factor. Mechanical and plant engineering in particular is characterised by processes that have been developed and proven over a long period of time. New technologies are then often viewed very critically and it can take a lot of effort to resolve these acceptance problems.

So that Remote Audit can take off in the automotive industry - Remote Audit Consulting and Software by PeRoBa Munich

Remote audit is more than a few individual tools for video conferencing and data storage. The concept for remote audits has the characteristic that the really positive potentials only emerge with truly comprehensive planning and implementation. Those who take remote auditing seriously and want to reduce effort and save costs in the long run cannot avoid specialised or even customised solutions.

As a relatively new technology, acquisition and set-up costs are still relatively high in some cases today, but as they become more widespread, costs are already falling. We at PeRoBa Munich have relied on an independent platform from the very beginning in order to be able to react individually to our customers' requirements. The result is our award-winning software iVision®. The modular and easily scalable software is an ideal platform for modern QM solutions ranging from automated picking to remote auditing. Although the focus is on the use of modern data glasses, it is not mandatory. Rather, the focus is on clean implementation of existing or standardised processes. Individualisation and connection of legacy systems are thus possible. iVision® is one of the first German software solutions that can also be used for remote auditing in the automotive industry and is already being used in many applications.

The team at PeRoBa® Unternehmensberatung GmbH will be happy to assist you if you have any further questions in this context or would like to receive a recommendation for action.